Most Effective Copywriting Template For X?

Is this the most effective copywriting template for X?


The sad reality is that we - as content creators - are all slaves to the algorithm.

If we don't write in a clear, concise manner that makes people read everything we’ve written, the algorithm will not recommend our content to anyone.

To make matters worse, copywriting for X is a beast of its own...

The feed moves quickly, with each user receiving 30 to 70 new posts every hour, and only the first 280 characters are visible.

So you must be a master of grabbing and holding people's attention in such a short time span and in such a noisy environment. Or else your posts will go unnoticed and your account won't grow.

Luckily, I have a simple, effective copywriting template for you to use when crafting your first 280 characters.

This template is adapted from the best practices of email copywriting to suit Twitter's fast-paced, concise environment.

And if you start using it to create your posts, I can assure you that your posts grab people's attenton, be more engaging, and ultimately, reach more and more people.

So without further ado, let's dive in.

1. Disrupt:

The goal of this step is to grab the reader's attention by "disrupting their day".

You absolutely MUST present them something that stop them right in their tracks.

The problem is that most people assume the reader will read everything they've written. And thus they don't really take their time creating a scroll-stopping intro.

Nw, here's where X is a little bit different from every other platform...

Since X only shows the first 280 characters, you need to disrupt and grab people's attention fast. Ideally in the first sentence.

The first sentence of your post is the headline, and it should grab people's attention the instant they glance on it.

For example, take a look at my post below, especially the first sentence:

This is the only sentence everyone who sees your post will read. Give it its due importance

The first sentence is the headline of your post. This is no different than a headline of a news article or a well-known magazine.

You should get people's attention the moment they glance at your headline.

And since how-to guides tend to get people's curiosity, that's exactly my first sentence in this post.

Pay attention that my headline is how to + something that is of interest to my target audience.

Again, at the risk of sounding like a broken record I must repeat this point: The purpose of your first sentence is simply to get people's attention.

So, based on the topic of your post, really take your time to come up with a scroll stopping headline.

Because this is the only sentence everyone who sees your post will read.

2. Intrigue:

Disrupting people's attention is not enough. You have to give them a reason to continue reading.

So after getting your reader's attention, you need to create intrigue and generate interest on the topic of your post so they continue reading it.

You can do this by mentioning the benefits of what you'll discuss, sharing impressive stats, name-dropping and so on.

Avoid revealing too much here; the goal is to pique the reader's interest, not give away the whole story.

Again, let's take a look at an example:

Notice how I'm sparking curiosity about the topic of my post.

I'm hinting at the effectiveness of my content creation workflow, impressing readers with the sheer volume of work I can handle using my method.

I'm not revealing my content creation system just yet!

The moment I do, people's curiosity will be satisfied. And if I satisfy their curiosity before they click to read more, they won't click and will simply keep scrolling.

At this point, people only know that I have a AI content creation workflow and that it is super effective. If they want to know how it works, they have to keep reading.

This is a point I want to emphasize, as it's a common mistake I see the clients I work with commit.

Most people tend to reveal everything too soon. But in doing so, they satisfy the readers curiosity about the topic and they never get to read the entire post.

So simply tease your reader to a specific benefit or an interesting fact about the topic you will discuss.

The aim here isn't to tell the whole story yet - that comes later in your post when readers are already committed to reading it.

At this stage, you're still persuading people to start reading your piece, so you won't reveal your secret here.

3. Push:

This part is straightforward.

After grabbing attention and creating intrigue, you simply give them a little push to encourage them to keep reading.

Notice how I mentioned that I'll share a step-by-step method in the post. This gives readers a nudge to keep reading the entire post.

Now, in all honesty, I don't always include this third step.

Since we have limited space to capture and hold people's attention, sometimes it's better to keep teasing and highlighting the benefits (as in step 2).

So, consider this third step as optional.

I use it mostly when I don't have many things to tease readers with but I don’t want to dive deep into the content before I reach 280 characters.

However, the first and second steps are absolutely essential for the performance of your post. Consider them as non-negotiable.

And this is the copywriting framework I follow when crafting all of my posts on X.

Next time you're crafting a long post or a thread, follow this template. You'll find it's much more effective.

See you soon.

PS: I will be opening one more spot for the growth mentorship soon.

The goal of this mentorship is to help small accounts finally become PRO content creators and unlock the growth they know they can achieve.


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