Becoming Omnipresent With AI

Effective AI Content Creation At Scale


In today's newsletter, I want to show you the right way to leverage AI for content creation.

If you run a business that depends on having a solid online presence, then this post is for you...

Have you ever noticed someone so active on social media, with content on every platform, that you've wondered, "How is this person everywhere I look?"

These people seem to be everywhere, all the time, and attracting lots of attention to their content. Almost omnipresent, if you will.

And as we all know, in today's internet world, attention is everything.

Before AI, to repurpose and recreate content for multiple platforms, you would likely need a team or have to work more than full-time.

Now, with AI, being active on multiple platforms and achieving omnipresence is easier than ever.

So, in this post, I'm going to share with you my insights on how to reach that level of omnipresence using AI.

Of course, I haven't fully cracked this nut yet. But when it comes to text-based platforms and audio-based platforms, I can confidently say I am doing a pretty good job.

Which is why I think it's finally time to condense this knowledge and share it with you guys.

So, without further ado, let's get started on today's topic...

Ultimate Prompting Guide

Want to learn how to create world-class prompts? I have a guide where I teach you exactly that.

  • Lessons on cutting-edge prompting techniques;

  • Real world examples and breakdowns;

  • Constantly updating with the newest prompting techniques

Ideas Are Scarce, Words Are Abundant

I began creating content consistently in May, when I got serious about content publishing.

My journey started on Twitter, and I've been obsessing over creating more efficient content creation workflows with AI ever since.

And if there's one thing my experiments have taught me, it's that ideas are scarce, and words are abundant. Especially in the age of AI we live in.

You see, anyone can go to ChatGPT, ask it to create a blog post, and get as many words as they want on literally any topic.

However, the problem is that anything that comes out from GPT will be boring, uninteresting, and unlikely to hold anyone's attention.

And since talking about captivating topics is crucial for success on social media, GPT can't be your source of ideas.

To engage your audience with fresh and interesting content, the ideas must originate from you.

This doesn't mean you can't use ChatGPT. As we just discussed, it's excellent at generating lots of words, something that is challenging for us humans.

But it's mostly a matter of playing to its strengths.

Treat unique ideas, which only you can provide, as rare treasures, and words as plentiful resources. And allocate your finite human time accordingly.

And once you get an idea, use AI to milk it for as much attention as possible.

Now, everything else that follows from my content system abides by this principle, so that's why I decided to spend some time explaining it.

Hopefully it didn't get too much woo-woo.

So, without further ado, allow me to explain in more detail how my content creation workflow has worked up to this point...

1. Come Up With Ideas

By ideas, I mean the transformation of existing knowledge into new and useful insights.

We, as humans, with our experiences, creativity, and intuition, are great at generating new insights—something AI can't do yet.

ChatGPT is great at reworking what's already known, but it can't create new knowledge. So we must be the source of the ideas for our content, or it will be boring, repetitive, and unlikely to grab anyone's attention.

So generating ideas should be your main focus. Since it is where you get the most value for your time.

Now, when it comes to coming up with ideas, everyone has their own way, so I can only speak for myself here...

But a reliable method to spark creativity is to follow your curiosity.

  • Talk with people in your target audience to discover their main challenges and concers;

  • Investigate what you believe are their biggest misconceptions and delve into the reasons behind these misunderstandings;

  • Try to come up with an easier and better solution for a problem that they are facing;

  • Even venture into entirely new subjects if you think it will be beneficial.

Human creativity is unpredictable and non-linear, but by pursuing your natural curiosity, you're likely to come up with ideas that are not only unique and useful but also interesting and attention-grabbing.

PS: If you're interested in learning more about my approach to content ideas, I've written another post on the topic. Here's the link for you to check it out.

2. Create Long Form Text Content

Step two is creating content for text-based platforms.

If you've done the first step thoroughly, you'll eventually have a 'Eureka!' moment. You'll realize you want to talk about a certain topic or make a post about it.

That's when you move on to this next step: creating content for text-based platforms.

But you shouldn't just create any type of content...

Ideally, you want to craft long, detailed articles that thoroughly explore every aspect of your ideas in text format.

Since we are going to use AI to parrot everything that you've come up with, you should get everything about a particular topic out of your head and into words.

Because this is the only way for AI to replicate your insights without being deathly boring, uninteresting, or sounding like a robot.

But you don't have to write everything yourself, you can finally start to use AI in this process to streamline everything.

So here's the fastest way to create content using AI:

1. Turn on the recorder and speak your thoughts out loud.

Simply record yourself talking about your topic/idea and keep talking until you've covered all important aspects.

Don't worry about organizing your thoughts just yet; focus on getting everything out.

By talking, you can turn your ideas into words way faster than writing.

Most people speak at a rate of about 150 words per minute, while they write at 30 to 40 words per minute.

Keep in mind that the goal here in this step is simply to get ideas out of your head and into words.

So the faster you do it, the better.

At this point, don't even worry about formatting or sentence structure just yet.

All you need is a basic outline so you don't miss any important points and then you are good to go.

2. Transcribe Everything

Once you've finished talking, get the transcription of your spoken words. This will be the raw material for your post.

You can use a speech-to-text tool like Whisper or the ChatGPT mobile app's microphone feature.

3. Use GPT to Edit

After you have your transcription, it's time to refine it.

In this step, you'll see that GPT is an excellent editor when provided with the right words to work with.

So just ask it to help you restructure your text and transform your transcript into a coherent article.

By following these steps, you'll be able to turn your innovative thoughts into a compelling long-form post that captures your unique perspective.

This is exactly how I can create posts like this one with 1500+ words in just an hour or two.

Before AI, it would take me so long that I often wouldn't publish anything at all.

3. Publish it everywhere you can

Remember our overarching principle that it's ideas that are the scarce asset. So once your idea is in a coherent format, you can now finally replicate it in as many ways as you want.

Start by sharing your long post on all text-based platforms you can think of, like X, Medium, Substack, Beehiiv, LinkedIn, or any other you know and you think is worth the effort.

Then, if you want to milk it for even more content pieces, you can take the same long posts and turn them into shorter tweets.

For every long blog post, you can easily create about 5 or 6 interesting short tweets/Linked In Posts.

I personally don't transform my longer posts into shorter posts anymore because I stopped using post-scheduling softwares.

But you could easily fill up a content calendar with this type of post. And I know of people who do it successfully.

4. Transform Your Text Into Audio

After you've shared your long post on all text-based platforms and grabbed as many eyeballs as possible, it's time to transform them into audio format.

After all, sticking just to text format would be a waste of potential.

So let's take some time to turn your ideas from text format into audio format. Thankfully, AI can make this process smooth and nearly effortless.

For this step, use a tool called Eleven Labs. It lets you create your own AI voiceover clone, basically making your voice repeat any text you input.

Since you've already written the text, just copy and paste it into Eleven Labs, and you'll get an audio version of your post as if you had recorded it yourself.

After you turn your full post into an audio format, you can share it on any audio platform. Like Spotify, YouTube, YouTube Shorts, Apple Music, or any others you can think of.

This way, you can expand your reach even more just from the same base topic.

5. Transform Text Into Video

Now, this fifth section is one I haven't really explored yet. But I put it here to hopefully spark some ideas in you…

  • You could use AI avatars and transform your text into videos;

  • You could record the videos yourself based on the text;

  • You even could create faceless videos only using the audio

The possibilities here are endless, and you can probably come up with a few ideas yourself after reading this article.

So go ahead and explore them.

This is my complete content strategy as it currently stands.

It's the same strategy and workflow that enables me to publish far more than I ever thought possible, even though this isn't my full-time gig.

It allows me to create 3-4 posts of 1,500 words each week, turn each one into a podcast episode, and keep an active presence on at least three social media platforms.

Again, if you spend most of your time coming up with interesting topics for your audience and use AI as a tool to help you spread those ideas further, you will be much more effective in your content marketing strategy.

I hope this post has taught you something valuable.

Remember, with AI, sharing your knowledge and ideas with the entire world is easier than ever.

Cheers and take care, happy 2024!

PS: Need help implementing AI in your business?

  • AI Automation;

  • Prompt Engineering;

  • AI for Content Creation & Social Media Growth;

  • And much more.


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